We would love to hear about any of your experiences with our preferred vendors.
Updated Dec 2024
Please Note: Vendor Contact Info is now available in the Resident Center Portal - More info on signing in here
Emergency 911
El Paso Co Sheriff 719-390-5555 https://www.epcsheriffsoffice.com/
CSPD non-emergency 719-444-7000 https://coloradosprings.gov/
Fountain Police 719-382-8555 https://www.fountaincolorado.org/
Monument Police 719-481-3253 https://www.townofmonument.org/
Manitou Springs Police 719-685-5407 https://www.manitouspringsgov.com/
- Luke Thirsk, LT Construction, Ltd, 729-672-6881
- Matt Swanson, all Square Ltd - 719-499-2791
- JMP Services 719-231-9382
HVAC Service & Repairs:
- Gary & Cody Randolph, Falcon Heating & Cooling Inc – They service and install our furnaces, AC units, water heaters, and gas fireplaces. Furnace/AC Seasonal Checks 719-683-4567
Appliance Repair (Range, Microwave, Dishwasher, Disposal, Refrigerator etc)
- Larry's Appliance - James 719-494-3459
- General Appliance: Rich 719-661-3767
Sprinkler Winterization, Summer Startups, and Sprinkler Repairs:
- Colorado Springs Irrigation - John 719-344-8140
- Dream Landscaping 719-217-0478
Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control:
- Integrated Lawn & Tree Care - 719-499-3526. Helpful lawn watering guidelines on their website: https://healthylawn.net/lawn-tips-watering-guidelines/
- Rocky Mountain Electrical: 719-229-6633
- Pat Dowdel, Patrick Electric: 719-510-2669
- Empire Inc: 719-650-2692
- Celtic Electric: 719-659-4715
Gutter Cleaning & Replacement:
- George Tuggle, AAA Angle Pros, Inc. - 719-391-9365
Carpet Cleaning:
- Insource Carpet Care 719-439-1223
- Springs Carpet & Tile Care 719-592-1694
- Hydro Clean 719-594-9376
Plumber / Drain Cleaning:
- All Plumbing Needs: Revolutionary Kindness Plumbing 719-354-7988 https://r-k-plumbing.com/
- Drain Cleaning and Camera: Affordable Router (719) 964-8310 https://affordablerooter.com/
- Drain Cleaning / Snake: Leo's Sewer & Drains 719-550-0837
- Only if 24/7 Service is Needed: B&L Plumbing – Handles plumbing repairs and snaking out/cleaning clogged pipes/sewers. https://www.bandlplumbing.com/ (719) 638-7341
Garage Door Repair
- Pikes Peak Overhead Door 719-593-1692
Fireplaces / Woodburning Stoves
- Fireplace Pros: Russ (719) 749-6525
Radon Services and Mitigation
- Aspen Radon: Abbie (719) 322-3131 https://aspenradon.com/
Renter's Insurance
- ALink Insurance: Isela Owens - Senior Insurance Advisor 719-219-8498 Isela@ALINK2ins.com
Internet Providers:
Different providers are better based on neighborhood.
- Comcast / Xfinity
- CenturyLink / Quantum
- StarLink
- New: Underline https://www.underline.com/communities
Teller County, Woodland Park & Divide, CO - Vendors
Emergency 911
Teller County Sheriff's Office
11400 US Highway 24
PO Box 27
Divide, CO 80814
(719) 687-9652
Some houses may have Well water or septic (please check your lease or contact us for details)
- Colorado Natural Gas, Inc. https://www.coloradonaturalgas.com/ Phone: 303-979-7680 Toll Free: 1-800-720-8193
- CORE Electric Cooperative
Member Services (7-5:30 M-F) (800) 332-9540 (303) 688-3100
Report Outage https://core.coop/contact/